…Very often ideas got beyond the control of men and carried men, philosophers, et al., along with it. That ideas have had "an ancestry and posterity of their own"(in the words of Lord Acton)is an indictment against the intellectual passivity and slovenness of mankind. We have allowed ideas to run wild and work disaster to the world. Think of the idea of nationalism…
We have succeeded in controling nature, and it is high time for us to think about how to control ideas….
The first step in this direction is to find a criterion to test the value of ideas….Ideas must be tested in terms of "the values of life" ….
The other step…is to find a way for the control of the fomation of ideas. This I believe to lie in the direction of systematically gathering, interpreting, and diffusing the facts of life. We must have statistics, laboratories, experiment stations, libraries, etc, to furnish us with facts about the real conditions of society, the nation and the world. Without facts no truly workable ideas can be fonned.
Heretofore ideas have come from the air, from the "world of ideas". Hereafter, ideas should come from the laboratories….