Even the Summer Sun has its wintry aspect, and the conservative spirit which pervades the editorial, entitled "A Noble Spectacle," is certainly appalling.
I do not see why a party of women suffragists invading a boxing contest in order to secure a hearing for what you, Sir, have properly called "The Cause", should arouse in apparently intelligent souls such indignation and sarcasm as you have expressed in your editorial. Personally—if you will allow me to be a little personal, —I have much greater admiration for those ladies whom you have so indignantly ridiculed, than for those who have no "causes" whatever, and who can be passively led or invited to enjoy a football game or a dancing party. I do not see why the arena for such a perfectly barbaric practice as prize fighting should not be more legitimately employed as the auditorium for a suffrage oration, than a great university daily of the 20th century should be used to propagate anti-suffrage or anti-woman ideas.
It is almost unnecessary for me to point out that the strong desire for publicity on the part of the suffragists is due partly to the indifference of the public, but partly to the unpardonable reactionary opposition of some of the "ought-to-know-better" newspapers, one of which you have elsewhere compared with the gods who "occasionally descend from Olympus to err with the rest of humanity."
吾与此报主者Maurice W. Hows〔莫里斯W.豪斯〕雅相友善,故投此书戏之耳。