It is not enough to do good, one must do it in a good way.No doubt we should destroy all errors, but as it is impossible to destroy them all in an instant, we should imitate a prudent architect who, when obliged to destroy a building, and knowing how its parts are united together, sets about its demolition in such a way as to prevent its fall from being dangerous.
—de Condorcet
Now however great the pain inflicted by the avowal of unbelief, it seems to the present writer that one relationship in life and one only justifies us in being silent where otherwise it would be right to speak. This relationship is that between child and parents.
——John Morley:On Compromise, p. 128.
This, of course, only where the son or daughter feels a tender and genuine attachment to the parent. Where the parent has not earned this attachment, has been selfish, indifferent, or cruel, the title to the special kind of forbearance can hardly exist. In an ordinary way, however, a parent has a claim on us which no other person in the world can have, and a man's self-respect ought scarcely to be injured if he finds himself shrinking from playing the apostle to his own father or mother.
——John Morley: On Compromise