The Blue Castle

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The Blue Castle

Recently UpdatedCHAPTER XLV 2024-07-21 22:11
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L. M. Montgomery

L. M. Montgomery

Famous Writer
  • 11Book Count
  • 0Article Count

Valancy Stirling is 29 and has never been in love. She's spent her entire life on a quiet little street in an ugly little house and never dared to contradict her domineering mother and her unforgiving aunt. But one day she receives a shocking, life-altering letter―and decides then and there that everything needs to change. For the first time in her life, she does exactly what she wants to and says exactly what she feels.

At first her family thinks she's gone around the bend. But soon Valancy discovers more surprises and adventure than she ever thought possible. She also finds her one true love and the real-life version of the Blue Castle that she was sure only existed in her dreams...

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